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Valley Theater dba Princess Theatre is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit public charity, and your donation is tax deductible. EIN: 91-6057750. Please consult your tax professional for details.

We thank you very much for your support of the Princess Theatre. With contributions like yours, and that others like you have donated, we are able to keep the historic theater alive with visual and performing arts.

Through your generous gift we are better able to serve our community. Thank you!

$86,000 as of 8/1/2024

Princess Theatre HVAC Fund

We still need YOUR help to replace our aging HVAC system before winter’s cold temps arrive! Cold temps might sound appealing now, but remember what we all said last winter?!?

The price tag to replace our HVAC is ~$100,000. We have secured a $50,000 Historic Theatre Grant, awarded by the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, which we must match. Having raised an additional $36,000, we still need $14,000 to reach our goal. (Updated 8/21/2024)

We welcome donations in any amount. You can donate directly to our HVAC fund through this page. As always, we thank you for your support!

